Sunday, June 19, 2016


Came across a pretty large problem today when realizing that I needed to create a "slot" object for all my ingredients. This was easy when I had only one chocolate chip cookie recipe, but now I'll have to go through and get all the ingredients for each recipe, process the list to remove any numbers, symbols, measurement words, etc, remove duplicates, and create my slot object this way.

I did 10 pages of each category to create my ingredient slot and I'm pretty sure this should be a big enough range for every possible ingredient. If I come across problems I can always widen that later on.

I'll also have to use some sort of selection strategy and have Alexa use fuzzy searching around the ingredient slot since not all of them are perfect. For example, a few ingredients are 'bottle salad dressing',  'limes juiced', etc. However, if the user says "limes", I'm hoping that Alexa will be able to search within my specific recipe's ingredients for anything with lime or juice. This could create some problems later on, but this was the best solution I could think of for dealing with this problem.

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