Today I spent a lot of time thinking about the most user friendly way to save session state. There's a built in and straight forward way of remembering the session within my code, but whenever Alexa times out, it'll wipe the current session. I think I'll end up using DynamoDB (which I had initially thought I would use). This way, when a user asks to make a certain recipe, I can have all the ingredient and direction data save to a new table. Even if the User spends 30 minutes on one step, they'll be able to ask for the next step. If Alexa has timed out, I'll have her start by asking if they would like to continue with the recipe currently in Dynamo, of if they would like to start over.
It might take a little while to get everything working with Dynamo, but all the forums I've been reading have said that this is definitely the way to go.
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