I have a complete skill running through Alexa! If anyone wants to test it, I've uploaded the code and steps to test it through AWS https://github.com/hpedskis/google-summer-of-code
Some Issues still:
-It's not completely user friendly. If you ask how to make cookies, it just reads through all the steps. You can specifically ask "what is step 1", etc, but I'm eventually hoping for a "to hear the next step, say next" output.
-I haven't taken the time to write out enough sample utterances (there is a very limited way you can ask for each step)
-Not all bugs are worked out, for example, if you ask about sugar, it only answers about the quantity of brown sugar instead of regular sugar. This is because I haven't found a good way to split up the ingredient name and quantity yet, so I'm simply doing a .contains search in each ingredient line.
Today I worked on getting all the intents working, working with slots, and then creating a detailed read me! Hooray!
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